Saint George’s Day
My horse wearing a fly rug in the colours of Saint George. She’s Welsh and doesn’t look too impressed. George is the patron saint of England and his feast day is still celebrated on April 23 with the displaying of the English flag, which bears George’s red cross. In medieval tradition, Saint George was the Virgin Mary’s champion knight; England itself was regarded as the Virgin’s dowry. Saint George’s cult had both elitist and populist aspects. On the one hand, he was the saint of nobility and monarchs. To join the Guild of Saint George, one had to...
Read MoreCorpus Christi Carol
This haunting medieval carol seemed appropriate for today. There is definitely a mystery hidden in this song. Corpus Christi CarolLulley, lully, lulley, lully,The faucon hath born my mak away.He bare hym up, he bare hym down,He bare hym into an orchard brown.In that orchard ther was an hall,That was hanged with purpill and pall.And in that hall ther was a bede,Hit was hangid with gold so rede.And yn that bede ther lythe a knyght,His wowndes bledyng day and nyght.By that bedes side ther kneleth a may,And she wepeth both nyght and day.And by that bedes side ther stondith a ston,”Corpus...
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